Sewing your own cloth incontinence items is the most affordable way to manage incontinence. But how do you get started?
The good news is that making these items is possible for even a beginner sewer with just a basic knowledge of the sewing machine. All you need is a few basic things to begin your journey. For more in-depth information, please visit my resource page How To Get Started Sewing Your Own Adult Cloth Diapers and Absorbent Briefs.

To make cloth items, you need fabric. Absorbent fabric in particular. (Waterproof fabric too, if you’re making a cover). There’s a huge variety of fabrics to choose from and while not all are readily available depending on the country you live in, some like cotton flannel are easy and affordable to come by.
While flannel may not be the most absorbent or softest of the options out there, it has long been a staple in cloth incontinence products.
Seriously, sometimes I’d like to bash on flannel for its tendency to get stiff and pill over time, but I’ve read so many stellar reviews of products made from flannel that I can’t justify giving it the boot. Plus, if you’re going for affordable, it doesn’t really get any more affordable than flannel!
See my post on 16 Types of Fabrics Used in Cloth Diapering.
Of course, to sew an adult cloth diaper – or anything, really – you’ll need a pattern. You can either make your own pattern or purchase one. If you are looking to make an adult cloth diaper, you can check out my Absorbent Collection of sewing patterns.
I don’t know about you, but when I’m sewing a project, I have a tendency to overlook the “notions needed” part. However, notions are an essential part to many sewing patterns. Things like using the right type of needle or thread, elastics, and fasteners will make sewing your cloth incontinence item go smoothly.
So make sure you have everything you need before beginning a project. Check out Sewing Notions Needed for Adult Cloth Diapers for more specific notions needed to sew your own cloth incontinence products.
Find Your Size
One of the perks of making your own products is definitely getting the sizing perfect. It also takes more than one try to get something right.

>> I find that I like to make something 3 times to get the process, fit, and measurements perfect. Obviously, some things you make you don’t want 3 of or want to make 3 of. Honestly, some patterns are complicated or require lots of fabric and aren’t something you want to put yourself through multiple times, haha!
But I’ll guess that if you’re making items to manage incontinence, you’ll be making multiples…still it helps to get your size right the first time around. For an in-depth look at finding your size, check out my post on How to Find Your Size and Check Fit for Incontinence Products.
Sewing your own cloth incontinence items is easy and affordable. With the right tools, you can create your own stash of products to fit your needs and lifestyle and say goodbye to disposables and expensive cloth products.
>>If you enjoyed this article, check out my resource page How To Get Started Sewing Your Own Adult Cloth Diapers and Absorbent Briefs<<